One mount for all The ‘Mono Mount’ is a proprietary mount that is supplied and installed onto the X-Click and works on drums of all sizes. Whether you are rocking out a 15’’ 8-lug snare or a small and compact 10’’ 6-lug snare, the ‘Mono Mount’ will ensure reliable and consistent performances.
Perfect for stage and studio The X-Click helps to get the most out of your snare drum, so it is undeniably very handy for live performances. Additionally, the X-Click is a lifesaver for audio engineers as it eliminates the need to ride the snare drum mic channel during cross-stick sections of the song or drumming performance.
A range a finishes to suit your kit The X-Click has a large array of finish choices, allowing drummers to choose a finish that catches their eye the most. Choose a finish that matches or complements the colour of your snare drum or drum kit. With a range of styles, colours, and combinations – there is certainly something for everyone.
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