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Ahead Spinal G Saddle Hydraulic Black Cloth Top/Black Sides, 4 Leg Base, 20″ to 27″ Adjustment Height

AHEAD Drum Thrones Offer Style, Stability and Adjustability.
Exclusive “Spinal G” Models Support Body Geometry and Ergokinetec™ Comfort.
Hydraulic Base - 20" to 27" Adjustment Height

Roc N Soc Nitro Throne with Black Cycle Seat (18-24′)

The Roc N Soc Nitro is a compact throne with a nitrogen gas shock absorber. This feature adds a little bounce in the seat for reduced back fatigue and quick height adjustments. The seat is free spinning which reduces spinal strain from any unnecessary body twisting. The stand comes with a Roc N Soc seat for extra comfort, durability and reduced leg strain and fatigue.